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Floral survey
floral survey data sheet
floral survey submission form
Monarch survey
monarch survey data sheet
monarch survey submission form
Pollinator Visitation survey
pollinator visitation data sheet
pollinator visitation submission form
Floral survey
Instructions: A floral survey needs to be performed for each designated data collection week. This survey is to determine what other flowers within your yard, aside from the flowers within your I-Pollinate garden, are attracting pollinators. The floral survey requires you to look around your home garden and yard and make observations about what additional floral resources are available to pollinators. Some aspects of the floral survey take time and may require you to survey your garden a few times, so feel free to fill out the floral survey throughout the week. Before you begin collecting data please review how to complete a floral survey.
Collecting data: Fill out the floral survey data sheet.
Submitting data: Once you have completed the floral survey, enter the data into the online floral survey submission form.
Monarch survey
Instructions: One monarch survey should be performed during each of the data collection weeks. Before you begin collecting data please read through how to conduct monarch surveys and review Monarch Joint Venture’s egg and larvae ID guide.
Collecting data: Examine milkweed plants for eggs and larvae and use the monarch survey data sheet to record the necessary information. If you would like, you can record data directly to the online monarch survey submission form using your smartphone.
Submitting data: Monarch data is submitted online by filling out the monarch survey submission form.
Pollinator Visitation survey
Instructions: Each visitation survey consists of a 3-minute pollinator observation on one of the ornamental species within your I-pollinate garden. Pollinator observations can be performed as often as you like during data collection weeks. We ask that you record at least three 3-minute observations per ornamental flower species (not including milkweeds). Please review the collecting pollinator visitation data page for specific instructions on conducting observations. Also, look over the pollinator ID page for help distinguishing between pollinators.
Collecting data: Perform pollinator observations using the pollinator visitation data sheet. You can also fill out the pollinator visitation submission form directly on your smartphone while carrying out observations.
Submitting data: Pollinator observations are to be submitted using the pollinator visitation submission form. Each 3-minute observation will be on a different page of the form.